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共计0人阅读    作者:admin    供稿部分:Bullvet | UG环球药业    宣布时间:2017/6/14 21:44:11








National High-tech Enterprise--Bullvet is Building Intelligent Veterinary  Drug Manufacturing Base


In 2017, national high-tech enterprise--Bullvet is developing rapidly in both domestic foreign markets. For sales revenue, a 100% increase from a year earlier. Right now, Bullvet is spending 10 million RMB to  build a new intelligent Veterinary  drug manufacturing base so as to  accommodate growing custo mers’ demlead Chinese Veterinary  industrial upgrading to  achieve “China’s Industry 2025”. When design this place, the idea is to  adapt with high-standard, high-starting point, high-input full-auto matic, to  choose intelligent auto matic advanced production equipment inspection equipment, to  connect monito r all the equipment full-time by internet. For example, temperature humidity pressure difference of each control area will be recorded auto matically printed. All these area’s data will be kept at a high quality level. Once data is not qualified in these control area, the network system will give alarm auto matically. All these record will be printed if it is needed during the inspection.

The manufacturing process will be managed by ERP, material record will be generated auto matically to  guarantee that there is no mistake. Materials needed for production will be transferred by machine to  replace human operation, which will achieve no pollution no manual operation mistake.

The analyzing process will be managed monito red by Quality Management System Software.

Meanwhile, Bullvet is also building Veterinary  drug research development laborato ry. A full set of advanced laborato ry equipment testing equipment will be introduced to  provide powerful hardware support for developing new products.

This project will be put into  production in August 2017. The site will apply domestic GMP inspection in Octo ber. Hopefully before December 2017, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tanzania Uganda FDA will come complete GMP inspection, which will lay a solid foundation for promoting Bullvet as a globalization brand.

Warmly welcome to  join Bullvet to  create a better future.




Job sites:

Bullvet is recruiting:

International trade sales man (Language requirement: For West Asia East Europe: Russian language is required; For South American: Spanish is required; For South Africa: French is required).




